uncg: interior architecture department's relationship with the salvation army started during the fall semester of 2008- when marketing director- ivan cutler- came to tommy [our department head] and asked if some students would be interested in brainstorming ideas for an update to the interiors of their lee street family store. the uncg campus center of IIDA decided to take on this project as a community service opportunity for the student's in the department. the organization, along with key faculty members [suzanne cabrera], organized an all night design charrette to solve the design problems presented to us by salvation army.
the design charrette took place on october 24th from 7pm-7am within the home of the i.arc department- the gatewood studio arts building- on uncg's campus.
a total of around 50 people- made up of students from the interior architecture department and CARS [consumer, apparel, and retail studies] along with alumni and faculty- arrived for the kick off presentation at 7pm.
everyone was divided into groups to focus on a specific design quality of the space to efficiently accomplish a holistic design proposal by the end of the 'morning.' the groups concentrated on the following: the facade, interior, site plan, lighting, circulation, branding and environmental graphics.
to keep spirits high and energies alive- we had one an hour breaks to refuel and energize the mind and body. at the 3am mark- we still had around 30 people truckin' along thanks to a donation from steak n' shake for a '3am' snack. 
rendered perspectives, floor plans/diagrams, elevations, and details were composed to fully represent the ideas gathered throughout the night's activities.
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