on friday- june 5th we had our first design review with salvation army's new store committee to present our initial design ideas for the retail store/ donation center. we presented to them first our precedents and research on spatial requirements based on codes and proxemics. below is a list of the spaces that will be included in the design and it's appropriate square footage.

we took the research gathered for the program and designed two schemes to propose to salvation army. along with an adjacency diagram- we constructed a pro + con list of each scheme to explain the reasons for each scenario.
the first scheme followed their initial ideas of having the donation center in the long narrow leasing space and the retail floor in the larger space. we proposed on expanding the back storage room into the larger area and decreasing the retail floor. we sectioned off the retail floor to accommodate men's, women's, children's and seasonal apparel.

the second scheme steered away from scheme 1 in the fact that we proposed taking out half of the wall that separates the two spaces and placing the retail floor along the entire store front. that leaves the donation center/ drop off in the back of the store and aids in the direction of donation traffic away from the store fronts. we have also proposed a few sets of dividing walls to be placed on the sales floor to break up the current displays of 'rows + rows of racks.' the walls begin to designate more intimate spaces to create a personal shopping experience for customers. through the design of the dividing walls- opportunities are created to highlight certain merchandise along these walls in a display set with mannequins and accessories.

one aspect of our proposed design that steps beyond the current displays in salvation army stores are window displays. we have proposed that within each window- there would be a grouping of mannequins to display the current seasonal merchandise. dramatic lighting and graphics will add in the backdrop to the merchandise as well as enforce the brand of salvation army. a wooden cut out of the classic salvation army shield would be hung from the ceiling to frame their motto of 'doing the most good.'
throughout our presentation- we tried to enforce the reasons as to why we felt scheme 2 would be a more successful option for salvation army- specifically in the long run. to our delight- the members of the store committee all agreed with us in stating that scheme 2 was the best option. their only concern was- of course- how much more the construction process would be to make the supplemental changes. to determine the prices for construction- we will need to be meeting with the contractor on the project as well as the leasing agent of the property to make sure the structural changes we are proposing will not impact future renovations for tenants.
the important qualities that they understood is that we are looking to invest into a design that will be a successful and holistic shopping experience that will allow room for growth and possible expansion in the future.
the important qualities that they understood is that we are looking to invest into a design that will be a successful and holistic shopping experience that will allow room for growth and possible expansion in the future.
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