Wednesday, June 10, 2009

we have the green light...

we met yesterday with both the contractor and the leasing agent of the property- and i don't think it could have gone any smoother. they both approved our proposed design [with some minor changes] and believe that it is a more successful design and will even make the fire marshal happier :)

matt and i will be finalizing the floor plan this week to drop it off at the contractor's office so he can draft it up and pass the design for approval of the city. he will also total up the cost of the changes that will be made to make sure that we are staying as close to budget as we can. we then can expect construction to start during the beginning of july and continue for about 6-8 weeks.

during the next week we will be focusing on finalizing some interior details such as fixtures, materials, lighting, and graphics. this will all be in preparation for our next design review on friday- june 19th at 8am. this will be the final time that we will be presenting the whole design to the store committee for approval.

everyday gets more and more exciting because we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

now about that concept and thesis paper??.......more to come!

front facade

group meeting with the contractor and leasing agent

future donation drop off area + parking lot beside store

existing handicap ramp that will be used for transportation of large donation pieces into out of of donation center

road side signage

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